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Beginners' Guide - How to make the writing bigger

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:28 pm
by Rumpelteazer
I've written the text in this Beginners' Guide a bit larger for obvious reasons! But this guide will show you how to make all the text on the screen bigger.

You can use the zoom feature in your browser. This makes everything larger, not just the text in the messages. In Internet Explorer 7 or later, or in Firefox, there is a quick way to zoom using the keyboard:

* Hold down the Ctrl key and press the + (plus) key to zoom in (enlarge).
* Hold down the Ctrl key and press the - (minus) key to zoom out (shrink).
* Hold down the Ctrl key and press 0 (zero) to return to normal size.

Alternatively the zoom feature is available through the menus.