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Postby Mortice » Tue Apr 15, 2014 12:40 pm

Someone asked me "what is god?"

good question I thought.

So here is a personal answer of sorts.

The first thing to realise about questions like this is the context contained within the demand for an answer.

There is so much involved in knowing and understanding ones own idea of god.

Lets start with some essentials then.

God is the infinite source of everything ever known and knows itself as such by default.

God makes all thoughts,feelings, experiences, whether determined to be good or bad by "us" to be real.

God has more expansive control over anything in more ways than can ever be imagined due to omnipitence.

and now back to the context of why the question is asked.

as humans so to speak we get to be allowed to think on things now and then, things like why are we here.

and this provides a reason to look at the worlds mirror as we are allowed to see it and ask away.

actually? taking the time to ask such questions leads to asking someone for an answer but be prepared!

if you ask someone who you think might have some answers they will just re-direct you inwards, because?

they might know that all such questions have as many answers as there are ideas or ideals of individual consciousness.

OK more on context for an individual when asking such questions....

I am in doubt as to whether god exists because I seem to be failing in some way and maybe devotion and prayer would help

I am in need to trust in god because I cannot seem to trust in myself

I am weak and need gods help

I am strong but weak in how to share this and seek help to pass this on to others

I am a god fearing individual and stride from success to success and seek more knowledge to help everyone I meet

I am a failure and maybe I feel that if some kind of truth is revealed to me, it would help. I wish to do better

I am happy with my life and love everything and all the people I meet are so great,

but I read of so much conflict in the world and I need to know that god will help everyone at some point.

Lists of feelings for us all wanting to know something.

Here is the Truth....God is everything!

But?.......try to make that real in words and be prepared to get yawned at (especially from the scientific community).

A much valued stone was taken one day to a seat of learning.

this had been delivered to a cliff that overlooked the most fantastic place on planet earth,

all looked on for a reaction, but there followed a stony silence.

God accused man of being drunk with power.

Man then told God it was its fault for being so nice.

and God smiled knowingly...

Posts: 8
Joined: Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:23 pm

Re: God

Postby thejay » Mon Nov 24, 2014 1:36 am

What is God?
Every grain of sand is God.
As long as you think yourself to be a person, God too is a person.
When you are all, you see Him as all.

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